We absolutely love Minecraft and would like to give something back to the community by providing a customizable dynamic live wallpaper with a proper Minecraft creative mode theme. Fully customizable - 1) set wallpaper, 2) click settings from the menu to pick any combination of floating items and more. No special permissions are required.
This app is ad sponsored and by actively taking offers we get a few pennies which will help our indie studio to keep up with updates as well as developing more apps and games.
Additional notes:
Wallpaper setup is commonly done by pressing a few seconds on an empty space (no widgets or icons) on the homescreen. Then select live wallpaper. With reservation that some devices might do it differently, e.g. through the Android ordinary settings application. TouchWiz launchers does not scroll any live wallpapers at all (e.g. most Samsung devices).
Minecraft content and materials are acquired from the web and is not part of this independent mod. This launcher app is a part of Studio Coldstream and is not affiliated with Mojang and its licensors.
我们非常喜欢Minecraft,并希望通过提供可定制的动态动态壁纸以及适当的Minecraft创意模式主题来回馈社区。完全可自定义 - 1)设置壁纸,2)从菜单中单击设置以选择浮动项目的任何组合等。无需特殊权限。
壁纸设置通常通过在主屏幕上的空白区域(没有小部件或图标)上按几秒钟来完成。然后选择动态壁纸。保留一些设备可能会采用不同的方式,例如通过Android普通设置应用程序。 TouchWiz启动器根本不会滚动任何动态壁纸(例如大多数三星设备)。
Minecraft的内容和材料是从网上获取的,不属于这个独立的mod。此启动器应用程序是Studio Coldstream的一部分,并不隶属于Mojang及其许可方。